At the beginning of each school year I spend a lot of time teaching my students the routines that help keep us safe throughout the day.  Research shows us that the brain functions optimally when we feel safe.  In Conscious Discipline we focus on creating an optimal learning enviornment through the elements of the Brain Smart Start.  Dr. Becky Bailey has shared 4 key components to creating a Brain Smart Start:  Activities to unite, connect, disengage stress, and commit.  For more information about Conscious Discipline go to

As I begin to implement each part of the Brain Smart Start in my classroom, one of the first things I do is help my students unite as a school family through finding identity as the “Shining Stars”.  I wrote a song for our class a couple of years ago that includes all parts of the Brain Smart Start.  I modify it slightly each year to meet the needs of each specific group. 

“Shining Star Song”
(Sung to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)
We are the Stars we sparkle and shine,
When we’re together we’re feeling fine!
We want our brains to work to the MAX!
So smile, take a deep breath, and relax.
Eyes and ears and hands and feet,
Use kind words with everyone you meet!
As we sing the song we sit or stand in a circle and hold hands (connect).  When we talk about our brains, we point to our brains and then on MAX we all point to the sky.  Next, we take a deep breath (disengage the stress response) together then point to each body part as we sing (commit).  Starting the song by identifying ourselves as the “Stars” is the Uniting portion of our Brain Smart Start.  See how easily you can get a Brain Smart Start in just one song???  Now that’s a lot of bang for your buck! 

Here is a little video of my class singing our “Shining Star Song”.  Hope you find it helpful!

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